Resilience Evidence Forum
Resilience Evidence Forum
Registration is now open for the Resilience Evidence Forum, to be held in Cape Town in June 2023. The forum, co-hosted by USAID and the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), aims to take stock of the latest evidence on resilience and its implications for policy and programming and spark further collaborations and capacity exchange across geographic contexts, sectors and actors.
Over the last decade, resilience has continued to be elevated as an analytic, programmatic and organising concept in the development and climate discourse and practice. In line with this, approaches to measuring resilience have proliferated, giving rise to a nascent evidence base on both the impact of resilience programming and the sources of resilience that explain why some households, communities, systems and countries fare better in the face of shocks and stresses than others.
The Resilience Evidence Forum, co-hosted by USAID and the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), is a three-day interactive gathering that will take stock of the latest evidence on resilience and its implications for policy and programming. It also aims to spark further collaborations and capacity exchange across geographic contexts, sectors, and actors.
CDKN is one of eight knowledge partners supporting the event and is co-leading the Communities and Socio-Ecological Systems tracks.
Event participants
The Forum will convene up to 200 physical participants, including USAID headquarters and field-based staff, implementing partners, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), United Nations and international organisations, donors and Global South government officials, universities, private sector, community-based and research organisations.
Event objectives
- Strengthen the global community of resilience professionals by creating the space for deep learning and connection.
- Socialise the core principles and priorities for resilience measurement and evidence that emerged from the 2022 Advancing Resilience Measurement Consultation Report, as well as the work of key knowledge partners.
- Build momentum and identify key evidence gaps and opportunities for learning and innovation with regards to the priorities identified as most pressing to be addressed within the next 3 to 5 years.
- Identify priority areas and approaches for investment and decision-making that reflect the values, objectives and ways of working supported by evidence.
Event details and registration
Date: 20-22 June 2023
Location: Century City Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa (with key sessions live streamed)
Registration deadline: 24 April 2023
More information and details on how to register can be found here.