Report: Mobilising Finance for Climate Action Strategies

Report: Mobilising Finance for Climate Action Strategies

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Author: CDKN Global
Countries: Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya

A high proportion of developing countries can only achieve the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) commitments that have been made under the Paris Agreement if they have access to climate finance support. The IKI Mobilising Investment (MI) program has explored the question of what it takes to unlock private sector climate finance as a sustainable investment stream towards NDC implementation.

Through practical pilot intervention the IKI MI program has drawn several important lessons on how private climate finance flows can be best incentivised. The program explored approaches to encourage and facilitate private sector investment into NCDs in seven developing countries, including: Bangladesh, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Kenya, Peru, Philippines, and Vietnam over several years.

Mobilising sources of finance into the technologies and businesses that will achieve NDC goals is multi-faceted and this document presents a synthesis of approaches taken in the IKI MI target countries and draws key learnings from these approaches. Implementing partners followed a process that sought to identify and address key regulatory and policy barriers and capital market gaps in the context of unique country circumstances. The process draws from lessons learned and experiences across the IKI MI program and draws on work under the LEDS GP Finance Working Group. These lessons are highly relevant for development agencies in the climate sector as well as national decision makers and implementing partners.

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