Project : Inside stories on climate compatible development

Project : Inside stories on climate compatible development

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Countries: Asia, India

CDKN helps developing countries to design and deliver climate compatible development. When decision makers in government, business and civil society speak to us about their aims and needs, they often ask about ‘best practice’ in other countries or, indeed, mistakes to avoid.  Inside Stories on Climate Compatible Development have been commissioned by CDKN to highlight practical applications of climate compatible development policy in a range of developing country contexts.

There are over 20 ‘Inside Stories, which analyse lessons from case studies of climate compatible development (CCD) planning and practice across the world, including in (but not limited to): Barbados, Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Fiji, India, Kenya, South Africa, Niger and Vietnam. They cover a range of CCD topics including: renewables, conservation, disaster management , climate accords, REDD+, market mechanisms for sustainable development, climate resilience policy and clean energy investment. Read all the Inside Stories on climate compatible development by visiting our Resource Library.

These 23 succinct policy briefs have been produced by expert authors from World Resources Institute, Acclimatise, the International Development Law Organisation with the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, LTS International and Ithaca Environment Consultants, together with CDKN and editorial support from Green Ink.

The briefs delve into the stories behind the headlines – including the politics and the winners and losers. Rather than simply re-telling success story clichés, they aim to outline some of the controversies, challenges and most crucially, the trade-offs, when flagship policies and programmes have been designed and implemented. The series aims to capture best practices in CCD wherever it is in the world, and the series now starts to capture some of CDKN and its partners’ own experiences.

A summary of the learnings from these wide-ranging case studies can be found here.

Application and impact of the Inside Stories series:

We are disseminating the stories widely, including at the Rio+20 meeting, COP-18, and online. We would like to hear from you if you want to use the stories in your training courses, workshops or events. Please email Mairi Dupar for more information, or to give feedback on the work.

Some of the feedback we have been grateful to receive so far has included:

On Barbados’ solar water heating industry:

Nicely written and emphasizes government's role in establishing and promoting such markets. Good stuff to refer as example in our training programs.”

- Pablo Benitez, World Bank Institute

On Jamaica and Senegal’s NIE processes:

“This is really useful information. I will be hosting a visiting group with Sub Saharan African delegates on adaptation financing to Washington. All of them are keen to learn from the NIE process as they hope to accredit their own country entities for the AF and probably more importantly going forward for a similar process in the GCF.”

- Liane Schalatek, Heinrich Böll Foundation North America

Additional information is available on the WRI website.

CDKN funding: £150,000