The 'Cities Footprint Project' - Urban impact

The 'Cities Footprint Project' - Urban impact

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Story detail:
Date: 13th February 2017
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Tags: cities, sustainable water management, water security

Quito (Ecuador), La Paz (Bolivia) and Lima (Peru) are particularly vulnerable to climate change.  Quito and La Paz are situated in the Andean mountains - where glaciers are melting at an increasing rate, threatening water security, and Lima is situated at the edge of a desert and faces significant risks from temperature increases. What's more, rapid economic growth in these three countries has been connected to fast-rising greenhouse gas emissions, and this link needs to be broken by identifying low-carbon 'wins' for economic development.

To tackle the triple challenges of climate adaptation, mitigation and development, CDKN and SASA-Bolivia, working with the CAF- Development Bank of Latin America and the city governments of Quito, La Paz and Lima, set out to measure the carbon and water footprints of the cities and propose strategic responses. In this second in a new series of CDKN short films, we document and celebrate the leadership of local leaders in Quito, La Paz and Lima, whose willingness to measure their carbon and water footprints and identify and deliver actions for climate resilience and mitigation are now inspiring city leaders from elsewhere in the Latin American region.
Watch the film The Cities Footprint Project: Urban impact below.

The project used an internationally recognised methodology to measure, quantify and verify the carbon and water footprints of the cities and for organisations. This led to a number of recommendations, such as the ‘sustainable Quito’ accreditation to recognise the efforts of Quito's private sector in reducing greenhouse emissions and water use and the ‘greenhouse project’ in La Paz which encouraged city agriculture to help mitigate climate change.

The project also sought to educate and enable the people and civil servants to take ownership of climate projects, so that climate initiatives at the urban level are maintained over time. They have also been encouraged to share their experiences, so other Andean cities can learn from their experiences. Share this film in your networks to help share the knowledge of this Andean city experience.

Picture: World Bank Photo Collection

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