CDKN at CBD COP16: Championing integrated and just biodiversity and climate action

CDKN at CBD COP16: Championing integrated and just biodiversity and climate action

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Date: 18th October 2024
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Organisation: SouthSouthNorth

As the global community prepares for COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Cali, Colombia, from 21 October to 1 November, CDKN is excited to take part in this pivotal event. COP16 presents a crucial opportunity to drive forward the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, ensuring that efforts to protect and restore biodiversity go hand in hand with climate resilience, social justice, and gender equity.

For CDKN, participating at COP16 is not just about supporting biodiversity conservation—it’s about ensuring that the actions that are put in place are inclusive and equitable, addressing the needs of those most affected by biodiversity loss and climate change. Our engagement at COP16 will focus on promoting equitable ecosystem-based adaptation that is locally-led, fostering inclusive finance, and advocating for the integration of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) into biodiversity strategies across scales.

At COP16, CDKN will advocate for the full implementation of this framework, emphasising that biodiversity and climate change must be tackled together in ways that foster locally-led action. Climate change is one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss, and restoring ecosystems can provide ecosystem-based options that help communities adapt to its impacts. 

CDKN’s work at COP16 will focus on promoting GESI in biodiversity and climate policies. We will emphasise that biodiversity conservation cannot be effective unless it includes the voices of those most affected. Indigenous peoples, local communities, women and youth in particular, play a critical role in managing natural resources, yet they often face barriers in accessing finance, education, and leadership opportunities in environmental governance. Despite being the stewards of biodiversity, these groups often lack access to decision-making processes and resources that could empower them to protect the ecosystems they depend on.

At COP16, CDKN will advocate for policies that empower marginalised groups through exploring human-rights based approaches for biodiversity and climate action and we have partnered with organisations who share this goal. 

Given these ambitious aims, CDKN has a packed agenda:

  • We are co-convening a multi-actor dialogue on 18 and 19 October on Human-rights based approaches to biodiversity and climate action together with Swedbio, SGI, BESNet, Focali with support from OHCHR and CBD Secretariat.
  • We have an official press conference on 21 October and an official side event on 22 October where we will share the key outcomes of our multi-actor dialogue entitled “Inclusive Conversations: Exploring the Role of a Human Rights-Based Approach for Biodiversity and Climate Action”.
  • We are co-convening an event with Swedbio, SGI, BESNet and Focali in the Netherlands Pavilion on 21 October at 15:00-16:15 entitled “Inclusive pathways: Sharing insights on rights-based approaches for synergistic biodiversity and climate action”.
  • We are co-leading an event with Swedbio, SGI, BESNet and Focali in the Nature Positive Pavilion on 21 October entitled “Synergizing Knowledge and Practices: The role of Human Rights-Based Approach for Biodiversity and Climate Action”.
  • We are co-convening an event in the Youth pavilion on 22 October with Swedbio, SGI, BESNet and Global Youth Biodiversity Network Africa and Kenyan Youth Biodiversity Network entitled “Centralising Youth-inclusive Human Rights-based Approach in driving Ecosystem Restoration and addressing Climate Change in Africa”.
  • We are excited to launch a Friends of Ecosystem Adaptation (FEBA) knowledge brief on Harnessing Ecosystem-based Adaptation to drive progress on implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: Integrating biodiversity and climate action across the Rio Conventions which is the outcome of a FEBA working group that CDKN co-chairs with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. 
  • As new charter members of the GLF, we will be attending the 7th Global Landscapes Forum Investment Case Symposium on 25 October and taking part in sessions supporting youth-led organisations to discuss issues including imagining an economy that cares for all life on Earth.
  • Our Latin America team will be involved in an event on 24th October on "Impact Investments for Paramo Conservation and Water Security". Sign up here.
  • CDKN is also involved in the official launch of a guide for integrating nature-based solutions in cities in the Global South on 26 October where EbA lead Nadia Sitas and Ghana country advisor Chris Gordon contributed to sections of the book.

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