Post-2015 framework - Arriving or departing?
Simon Maxwell, CDKN’s Executive Chair, reviews the report of the United Nations Open Working Group on the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, including the specific proposals to deal with climate change.
30th July 2014
Are fossil fuels really a solution to energy poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Gracia Munganga, MAPS Africa Programme Manager at the Energy Research Centre (University of Cape Town), looks at the impact fossil fuels have on energy poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa and how low-emission development pathways could instead be developed as a viable option.
The road to a stronger clean energy sector in Africa
Kevin Urama, Executive Director of the African Technology Policy Studies Network reviews the achievements of three CDKN-supported clean energy projects and what still needs to be done.
Who is paying for climate change in Nepal?
In an article for the Guardian’s Global Development Professionals Network, CDKN’s Elizabeth Gogoi outlines the economic cost of climate change in Nepal.
27th June 2014
The Green Climate Fund - ready for take off
The Green Climate Fund now has the basic systems and procedures in place for donors to start pledging money. It’s like an aircraft ready for take-off, but where will it land? asks Anouk Franck of Both ENDS.
23rd June 2014
Private sector action in adaptation
Ari Huhtala, CDKN's Deputy CEO for Policy and Programme, reflects on government strategies to attract private investors to climate adaptation, as highlighted in several recent expert debates.