Journalists in East Africa face significant challenges to reporting on issues related to climate change including a l
29th January 2014
Launch of geojournalism site for Indonesia - 'Ekuatorial'
The cutting-edge InfoAmazonia platform merges environmental data and on-the-ground reporting in South America; now Internews and its partners have launched a similar platform in Indonesia: 'Ekuatorial'. William Shubert explains what this 'geojournalism' is all about.
The story behind Nepal’s knowledge management centre
Dr Dinesh Raj Bhuju, Dr Bimala Devkota and Mr Pawan K Neupane look back at how a CDKN project strengthened the core functions of the Nepal Climate Change Knowledge Management Centre (NCCKMC)
29th November 2013
How to win the argument on climate change
This is the third and final installment of Simon Maxwell's 5-step plan to win the argument on how to tackle climate change.
How to win the argument on climate change
Simon Maxwell, CDKN's Executive Chairman shares part one of his 5-step plan to win the argument on how to tackle climate change.
Can beans & dice changes lives? The potential of serious, fun games
The power of games to get people thinking about their climate vulnerability was revealed this weekend at Development & Climate Days, an event run by the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and IIED on the sidelines of the UN climate talks in Warsaw.