Conversations on Green Growth in Asia
Watch a new video from CDKN and the Asia LEDS Partnership in which Asian countries share their innovative approaches to low emissions development.
10th April 2013
Aid to Trade and opportunities for climate compatible development
CDKN and the Aldersgate Group recently hosted an event to explore the role of business partnerships to deliver climate compatible development and to look at whether a shift from aid to trade could be an effective means to meet both climate and poverty reduction needs.
8th April 2013
Identifying the best routes to climate compatible development
In the first of two pieces reporting on CDKN’s workshop on Climate Compatible Development (CCD) in Ethiopia, Mónica Andrade, Regional Coordinator of CDKN LAC, outlines delegates’ views on the drivers of, and barriers to, successful CCD implementation
28th March 2013
Kenya's National Climate Change Action Plan is officially launched
After 18 months of development and an extensive consultation process across sectors of society, Kenya launched its National Climate Change Action Plan yesterday. Tim Ash Vie, CDKN East Africa Hub Lead, reports from Nairobi.
This project aims to build a national renewable energy knowledge base for Sierra Leone from which an inclusive and participatory national renewable energy policy may be developed.
This project developed a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) for the Ethiopian Biogas sector that explores options to upscale the National Biogas Programme through access to international climate finance.
The Energy, Ecodevelopment and Resilience in Africa (EERA) project will develop national energy strategies in Benin, Mali and Togo that take into account the impacts of climate change while meeting other development goals.
15th February 2013
Guiding the world towards a green global economy
A collaboration between the UNDP International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) and the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum aims to show policy-makers how to make “green growth” a reality at local, regional and global levels.
14th February 2013
Business Partnerships
Businesses are critical to the challenge of reducing carbon emissions so CDKN and the Aldersgate Group are holding an event to discuss climate and development business opportunities.
10th February 2013
Can the green economy save us?
In an article for the Dawn newspaper in Pakistan, Rina Saeed Khan reflects following a vist by Barbara Unmuessig, the President of the Heinrich Boll Stiftung (HBS), on the potential of a 'green economy' in Pakistan
15th January 2013
Togo and Cameroon assess their sustainable energy potential
Mairi Dupar of CDKN speaks with Laura Williamson, Project Director of HELIO International, who has been working with the governments of Togo and Cameroon to boost the environmental and social sustainability of their energy sectors.