Natural hazard risks for infrastructure in El Salvador

Natural hazard risks for infrastructure in El Salvador

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Story detail:
Date: 12th April 2016
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Tags: climate risk, infrastructure, vulnerability

Natural hazard risks for infrastructure in El Salvador

The recording of this webinar is available here.

El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America, with 69% of its 6 million people living in cities. The highly degraded state of the natural resources means that El Salvador is one of the least self-sufficient countries in terms of food security, and it is also recognised as one of the most vulnerable countries in the world, with 90% of the territory located in areas of high risk to natural disasters (UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination, 2010).

In response to a request by the Government of El Salvador, CDKN and its partners aim to identify the risks presented by a range of natural hazards on the key infrastructure in the country. Our goal is to develop a national framework for infrastructure risk assessment using the best available information, produce initial estimates of the level of risk, and support the development of a sustainable collaboration across agencies responsible for infrastructure to further develop and refine the framework and estimates for use within core development policy analysis and decision making.

In this webinar, Timothy Webb, business area leader for Disaster Risk Reduction at ESSA Technologies in Canada, will present initial results of this project. Also, representatives of the Environmental Observatory of the Ministry of Environment of El Salvador (MARN) will comment on how this information could be of use for the country and its infrastructure policies and plans.

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Image: El Salvador, credit Oxfam International.

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