Opportunity: Apply for the 2024 Knowledge-into-Use awards

Opportunity: Apply for the 2024 Knowledge-into-Use awards

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Date: 20th May 2024
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Country: Africa

Applications are now open for the Knowledge-into-Use awards, hosted by the Resilience Evidence Coalition. This prestigious award recognises innovative and creative approaches to capturing and presenting resilience knowledge and evidence. Apply by 26 May. 

The award offers prizes of 100,000 Swedish Krona across three categories:

Performing Arts: Celebrating the power of performing arts such as theatre, music, improv, and folk performances in conveying resilience knowledge.

Visualising Evidence: Recognising creativity in visual storytelling, including art installations, graphics, animations, and chronicling recipes and cuisines that are climate resilient.

Participatory Approaches: Applauding initiatives that connect arts and science through citizen science, participatory arts, gamification, and other participatory approaches.

The award provides tailored mentorship and support from various experts, including CDKN's Dr. Nadia Sitas, who is the  Ecosystem-based Adaptation thematic lead. Other mentors include Rohan Chakravarty, creator of Green Humour—a series of cartoons and illustrations on wildlife and nature conservation—and Claire Homewood from CareCreative, a Cape Town-born artist inspired by wild nature and environmental concerns

In addition winners will also have an opportunity to: 

  • Exhibit their artwork at Gobeshona 2025 or New York Climate Week 2024.
  • Join the Resilience Evidence Coalition, a community of practice on resilience evidence.
  • Participate in GRP and partner events like CBA and Gobeshona.
  • Receive support from the GRP communications team to write and publish stories on the Resilience Platform and GRP website.
  • Work with the GRP communications team to create social media content for outreach.

Interested individuals and organisations can find more information about the contest and application process here

Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your innovative ideas and contribute to building resilience!

Application deadline: 26th May 2024. 


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