More free resources for communicating climate change

More free resources for communicating climate change

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Date: 9th April 2015
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Tags: IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, IPCC, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

CDKN is pleased to announce it has updated its ‘media toolkit’ with new, high-quality images to accompany the report series The IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report: What’s in it for Africa, South Asia, Latin America and Small Island Developing States.

We have added more than 100 images to the toolkit, showing climate change impacts and solutions in:

  • North and East Africa
  • Small Island Developing States
  • Latin America.

The images are free to use by journalists, educators and development organisations for any educational, awareness raising and non-commercial uses. The reports distil the key messages of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report for Africa, South Asia, Small Island Developing States and Latin America. Extracting regional-specific data, trends and analysis directly from the Fifth Assessment Report, the reports summarise it in a short volume to make it accessible to all audiences, and highlight key opportunities to achieve adaptation, mitigation and development.

To date, the toolkit, which also consists of infographics and presentations, has been used by a range of organisations, from universities and schools to those working in development and climate change. The materials have been used for media workshops for environmental journalists, as well as in blogs and publications, for stakeholder capacity building and internal training. In developing countries, the most popular use of the toolkit is in external education of the public and policymakers.

The resources are being used in local government workshops in Panama and awareness-building campaigns in India, as well as to inform broadcasts to local children in Mexico. Other organisations are holding discussion groups during and after school, or in a campaign to improve a national curriculum in South Africa, to cultivate environmentally literate students who can go on to create environmental solutions in their communities.

To access the images, reports and other free resources, please visit the toolkit: What’s in the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report.

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