Report : Climate Resilience and Food Security: Food Security Indicator & Policy Analysis Tool and User's Manual

Report : Climate Resilience and Food Security: Food Security Indicator & Policy Analysis Tool and User's Manual

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Author: CDKN
Tags: agriculture and food security, climate resilience, food security

The relationship between climate resilience, food security and the policies and actions of multiple levels of government is complex. Government decision makers who want to build more climate resilient food systems need an analytical tool to help them identify required resilience actions, monitor food system resilience over time, and assess the extent to which current policies strengthen food system resilience.

The Food Security Indicator & Policy Analysis Tool (FIPAT) and user's manual has been developed to address this need. It provides a logical sequence of analytical steps that help users to:

  • Identify key elements of their food system and their vulnerability to climate shocks and stresses;
  • Identify relevant resilience actions to strengthen these vulnerable elements; Select indicators to monitor changes in food system resilience over time; and
  • Assess the extent to which public policies support the implementation of required resilience actions; the capacity of actors to reduce risk and promote resilience; and the creation and maintenance of food system resilience.

To download the manual, please click here.
To download the tool, please click here for the English version and here for the Spanish version.

Further reading:

Project homepage: Climate Resilience and Food Security in Central America
Project overview: Climate Resilience and Food Security in Central America
Working paper: Climate Resilience and Food Security: A framework for planning and monitoring
Tool: CRISTAL Food Security Tool and User's Manual



 Image credit: CIAT

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