FILM: CDKN in conversation... with Maria Paz Cigaran, CDKN Peru

FILM: CDKN in conversation... with Maria Paz Cigaran, CDKN Peru

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Author: CDKN
Type: Videos

Maria Paz Cigaran speaks for CDKN Peru on the far-reaching impacts of glacier retreat, opportunities for low-carbon development and CDKN's role in developing new ideas and implementing them.

Peru has seen 25% of glacier retreat in the past thirty years, which has negatively impacted on water supply and energy production and it is also experiencing increased weather events and floods. As the host of the next Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, Peru's national contribution requires internal parties within Peru to collaborate in gaining high-level approval, while on the ground rural development projects with an adaptation focus have the potential to be scaled up.

Maria Paz is interviewed by Mairi Dupar, CDKN Global Public Affairs Co-ordinator, as part of the 'CDKN in conversation' video series.

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