May newsletter: Bringing climate change disaster planning into the boardroom

May newsletter: Bringing climate change disaster planning into the boardroom

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Author: CDKN Global

CDKN has just released its latest report 'Tackling Exposure: placing disaster risk management at the heart of national and economic and fiscal policy' 
The report carries the clearest message yet that government and business leaders must respond quickly and decisively to the latest climate change science. Disaster risk management can’t be on the sidelines. It must be a central topic in the boardroom, and at the heart of governments’ economic planning. Read the report here.

How to link local and national efforts for climate adaptation?
Integrating local and national efforts for climate adaptation is not an easy task. But some city governments in developing countries are doing this well.  CDKN’s Patricia Leon outlines some of the best practices she encountered at the Resilient Cities Congress in Bonn.

Exploring ‘green growth’
The World Bank policy paper, 'Inclusive green growth: the pathway to sustainable development', published last week, gave Simon Maxwell, CDKN's Executive Chairman, much food for thought. Simon called the paper a “wide-ranging, analytical [paper], rich in examples, and practical” that should be debated by anyone working in environment anddevelopment. Whether you agree with the paper or not, read the comments raised in Simon's review.

What next for SREX? Postcard from Delhi event
CDKN is supporting a global series of events bringing the findings of the IPCC SREX report to regional policy makers in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean.   The Delhi event brought policy makers, scientists, practitioners and journalists together with IPCC authors to ask searching questions about what the SREX report meant in practice and how best to respond to its findings. Read the full blog from the event here. Read about forthcoming SREX events in Dakar, Senegal and Sao Paulo, Brazil here.
Image: UK flood, copyright Cheltenham Borough Council

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