Elizabeth Gogoi

Elizabeth Gogoi

Elizabeth is a project manager within CDKN’s Asia team based in the non-profit organisation Lead India in New Delhi, India.

She coordinates CDKN’s programme in India and Nepal which is supporting policy-makers to design and deliver CCD policies and plans, and manages relationships with partners. Her role also includes communicating CDKN’s learning from the region through knowledge management and public affairs.

Elizabeth joined CDKN in March 2011 with a background in climate change and development policy-making and research. This included working in the European Parliament on the negotiations of the 2009 EU Climate Change Package, and as a researcher in the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) looking at EU development cooperation. She also has experience working in the US Senate, UN Secretariat and for NGOs in Tanzania and South Africa. Elizabeth holds a Masters in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics (LSE) and in her free time is struggling to learn Hindi.

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