In many Caribbean countries, national and sectoral level policies are lagging behind the already evident threats to development from climate change despite the strong efforts made at the international and community level to adapt. The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), in collaboration with the World Resource Institute (WRI) and the St. Lucia National Trust (SLNT) is implementing a project in St. Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago to increase civil society engagement in policy and institutional analysis for climate change adaptation.
10th April 2014
Building leadership on local level adaptation
Jenny Clover from ICLEI Africa reflects on efforts to establish a community of practice around Ecosystems-based Adaptation approaches within African cities
7th April 2014
Communicate both the IPCC findings and the process
Katharine Vincent, an author of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, reflects on our growing understanding of vulnerability, impacts and adaptation to climate change - and how the IPCC itself has evolved.
Working Paper : How to scale out community-based adaptation to climate change
This CDKN working paper explores the potential of ‘scaling out’ community-based adaptation pilots in order to bring more quality benefits to more people over a wider geographical area, more equitably, more quickly, and more lastingly.
How do you prepare for an uncertain future?
How could 'Flexible and Forward-looking Decision Making' help African communities to become more climate-resilient? Lindsey Jones introduces the latest findings from the African Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA).
25th March 2014
Taking action to cut emissions and boost development
CDKN and partners report from West Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia where the Government is designing a new type of support programme to promote renewable energy.