Shifting narratives and practices to achieve gender just climate transitions

Shifting narratives and practices to achieve gender just climate transitions

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Story detail:
Date: 22nd February 2022
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Themes: GESI

The sixty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place from 14 - 25 March 2022 in a hybrid format. All side events and parallel events will be fully virtual and open to the public. CDKN has partnered with UNRISD and IDRC on a side event on 'Shifting narratives and practices to achieve gender just climate transitions'.

Date: 15 March 2022
Time: 15.00−16.15 CET
Location: Virtual
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This CSW66 side event brings together insights from ecofeminist research in global North and South arguing that both narratives and practices must change to secure gender just transitions: ecofeminism offers powerful alternative narratives that value care for people and planet, in contrast to mainstream development. Much just transition policy attention still focuses on male-dominated, formal work such as coal mining. Who is represented in narratives for just low-carbon transitions makes a difference. Women’s voices and lived experiences need to influence debates and decision making to achieve gender-egalitarian practices and low-carbon transitions that contribute to climate action and justice.

• Abdelrahman Al Tamimi – General Director, Palestinian Hydrology Group
• Erin Tansey – Director Sustainable Inclusive Economies, IDRC
• Shehnaaz Moosa - Director, CDKN
• Stefania Barca – «Beatriz Galindo» Distinguished Researcher, Contemporary History, University of Santiago de Compostela
• Zo Randriamaro – Coordinator, Centre de Recherches et d’Appui pour les Alternatives de développement – Océan Indien (CRAAD-OI)

Moderator: Dunja Krause, UNRISD

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