Read all about it - CDKN blogs
Read all about it - CDKN blogs
From climate negotiations to green growth, from renewable energy to climate change in the media, this page presents a run-down of the blogs published recently on the CDKN website. Follow the links to read more.
Simon Maxwell, CDKN Executive Chairman: Postcard from Copenhagen: green growth leaders' conference
Tim Ash-Vie, CDKN Head of Negotiations Support: Report from Panama: slow and steady wins the race?
Tom Mitchell, Head of climate change, ODI: Strengthening resilience: can ‘disaster risk management’ offer a foundation?
Maggie Ibrahim, Practical Action UK: Are donors blind to the ‘missing link’ in DRR?
Simon Maxwell, CDKN Executive Chair: Postcard from Chatham House 2: silver linings in the climate debate
Sam Bickersteth, CDKN Chief Executive and Mairi Dupar, Global Knowledge Management Coordinator: Postcard from Chatham House: national action on climate change will underpin a global deal
Pablo Larco, CDKN Latin America: Informe sobre el Estado y la Calidad de las Políticas Públicas sobre Cambio Climático y Desarrollo en América Latina
Jonathan Grant, PwC: Panama climate change talks
Patricia Leon, CDKN Latin America: Integrating indigenous knowledge into disaster risk reduction strategies
Sam Bickersteth, CDKN Chief Executive: Climate compatible agriculture – a smart approach to poverty reduction in Africa
Manipadma Jena: Reporting climate change in India
Simon Maxwell, CDKN Executive Chairman: The political economy of climate change
Sally Prowitt & Samantha Putt del Pino, World Resources Institute: Aligning interests: government and business must partner for a climate-resilient future
Patricia Leon, CDKN Latin America: Integración de conocimientos indígenas para contrarrestar el Riesgo de Desastres y los efectos del Cambio Climatico
CDKN Global: Top ten CDKN videos
Joy Hyvarinen, Director of the Foundation for International Environment Law and Development: New guide helps developing countries through global climate talks
Geoff Barnard, Head of Knowledge Management: Putting climate knowledge brokers on the map
CDKN Latin America: Green economics will reduce poverty - Pavan Sukhdev makes the case
Lucy Scott, Overseas Development Institute: Climate change and the post-2015 poverty agenda
CDKN Latin America: Cambio de mandato en la presidencia del Directorio Internacional de FFLA
James Bataze, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda: “The field visit that opened my eyes”
Alex Bowen and Sam Fankhauser, Grantham Research Institute: Green growth: paradigm shift or just spin?
CDKN Latin America: Pavan Sukhdev habla sobre el concepto de Economía Verde
Ram Chandra Khanal: Climate resilience in Nepal moves a step closer to reality
Vanessa Morales, CDKN Latin America: La ciudad de Quito demuestra su capacidad para enfrentarse a un clima cambiante | How will Quito weather a changing climate?
Farrukh Iqbal Khan, lead negotiator for Pakistan on climate change: Transitional Committee takes stock of the Green Climate Fund
CDKN Global: Building journalists' capacity to create change: a CDKN impact story
CDKN Latin America: Cartagena: ciudad pionera en Colombia en adaptarse al cambio climático
Alain Muñoz , ECOcom: El mundo acabaría el 2012
CDKN Latin America: La nueva estrategia del gobierno colombiano frente al cambio climático
Guy Edwards, Centre for Environmental Studies, Brown University: Climate Conversations - Climate, energy to dominate US-Latin American relations
Lily Ryan-Collins, of Engineers Against Poverty: Climate change takes centre stage in infrastructure debates
Fernando Leon Morales, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru: Hacia una economía verde en un contexto de cambio climático
CDKN Latin American: Bonn y Durban nos turban
Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: CDKN seeks your views on green growth – final part
Leisa Perch, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth: Green economies with social futures, a focus on the Caribbean
CDKN Latin American: Cambio climático en Bolivia: avances, vacíos, y brechas
Samantha Putt del Pino, Monika Kerdeman, Eliot Metzger and Sally Prowitt, World Resources Institute: Investing in adaptation is good for business
Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: CDKN seeks your views on green growth, part 4
Shehnaaz Moosa & Lisa McNamara, CDKN Africa: Postcard from Marrakesh – Using ‘suppressed demand’ to increase Africa’s share of the carbon market
CDKN Africa: Postcard from Marrakesh – Day 1 of the Africa Carbon Forum
Fayyaz Ahmad Khan, CDKN Asia: Harnessing media potential in the fight against climate change
Abu Rushd Md. Ruhul Amin, CDKN Asia: Explosion of solar power in Bangladesh
CDKN Global: Green growth - debates and resources
Lisa McNamara, CDKN Africa: Postcard from Cape Town: mobilising and delivering climate finance in Africa
Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: CDKN seeks your views on green growth – part 3
Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: Why the managers of the Climate Investment Funds must celebrate success, watch their backs and raise their sights
Mairi Dupar, CDKN Global: Defining climate compatible development
CDKN Latin America: Pequeños pasos iniciales hacia la cooperación climática traen pequeñas victorias, pero no las suficientes para frenar el sufrimiento por los cambios climáticos
CDKN Latin America: Hoje um terço de moradores de cidades vive em favelas, em 2050 metade da população mundial viverá em favelas
CDKN Latin America: UN: Companies Struggle with Climate Adaptation Planning
Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: CDKN seeks your views on green growth - part two
Saleemul Huq, Climate Change Group, IIED: Cancun to Durban via Bonn
CDKN Global: What the women said: conversations with LDC women negotiators in Bonn
Frauke Urban, Institute for Development Studies: Making power generation resilient to climate change
Want to read more? See the rest of CDKN's blogs here.
Image: Read the news, Everjean