Read all about it - CDKN blogs

Read all about it - CDKN blogs

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Date: 18th October 2011
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Tags: climate impacts

From climate negotiations to green growth,  from renewable energy to climate change in the media, this page presents a run-down of the blogs published recently on the CDKN website.  Follow the links to read more.

Simon Maxwell, CDKN Executive Chairman: Postcard from Copenhagen: green growth leaders' conference

Tim Ash-Vie, CDKN Head of Negotiations Support: Report from Panama: slow and steady wins the race?

Tom Mitchell, Head of climate change, ODI: Strengthening resilience: can ‘disaster risk management’ offer a foundation?

Maggie Ibrahim, Practical Action UK: Are donors blind to the ‘missing link’ in DRR?

Simon Maxwell, CDKN Executive Chair: Postcard from Chatham House 2: silver linings in the climate debate

Sam Bickersteth, CDKN Chief Executive and Mairi Dupar, Global Knowledge Management Coordinator: Postcard from Chatham House: national action on climate change will underpin a global deal

Pablo Larco, CDKN Latin America: Informe sobre el Estado y la Calidad de las Políticas Públicas sobre Cambio Climático y Desarrollo en América Latina

Jonathan Grant, PwC: Panama climate change talks

Patricia Leon, CDKN Latin America: Integrating indigenous knowledge into disaster risk reduction strategies

Sam Bickersteth, CDKN Chief Executive: Climate compatible agriculture – a smart approach to poverty reduction in Africa

Manipadma Jena: Reporting climate change in India 

Simon Maxwell, CDKN Executive Chairman: The political economy of climate change

Sally Prowitt & Samantha Putt del Pino, World Resources Institute: Aligning interests: government and business must partner for a climate-resilient future

Patricia Leon, CDKN Latin America: Integración de conocimientos indígenas para contrarrestar el Riesgo de Desastres y los efectos del Cambio Climatico

CDKN Global: Top ten CDKN videos

Joy Hyvarinen, Director of the Foundation for International Environment Law and Development: New guide helps developing countries through global climate talks

Geoff Barnard, Head of Knowledge Management:  Putting climate knowledge brokers on the map

CDKN Latin America: Green economics will reduce poverty - Pavan Sukhdev makes the case

Lucy Scott, Overseas Development Institute: Climate change and the post-2015 poverty agenda

CDKN Latin America: Cambio de mandato en la presidencia del Directorio Internacional de FFLA

James Bataze, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda: “The field visit that opened my eyes”

Alex Bowen and Sam Fankhauser, Grantham Research Institute: Green growth: paradigm shift or just spin?

CDKN Latin America: Pavan Sukhdev habla sobre el concepto de Economía Verde

Ram Chandra Khanal: Climate resilience in Nepal moves a step closer to reality

Vanessa Morales, CDKN Latin America: La ciudad de Quito demuestra su capacidad para enfrentarse a un clima cambiante How will Quito weather a changing climate?

Farrukh Iqbal Khan, lead negotiator for Pakistan on climate change: Transitional Committee takes stock of the Green Climate Fund

CDKN Global: Building journalists' capacity to create change: a CDKN impact story

CDKN Latin America: Cartagena: ciudad pionera en Colombia en adaptarse al cambio climático

Alain Muñoz , ECOcom: El mundo acabaría el 2012

CDKN Latin America: La nueva estrategia del gobierno colombiano frente al cambio climático

Guy Edwards, Centre for Environmental Studies, Brown UniversityClimate Conversations - Climate, energy to dominate US-Latin American relations

Lily Ryan-Collins, of Engineers Against Poverty: Climate change takes centre stage in infrastructure debates

Fernando Leon Morales, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru: Hacia una economía verde en un contexto de cambio climático

CDKN Latin American: Bonn y Durban nos turban

Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: CDKN seeks your views on green growth – final part

Leisa Perch, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth: Green economies with social futures, a focus on the Caribbean

CDKN Latin American: Cambio climático en Bolivia: avances, vacíos, y brechas

Samantha Putt del Pino, Monika Kerdeman, Eliot Metzger and Sally Prowitt, World Resources Institute: Investing in adaptation is good for business

Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: CDKN seeks your views on green growth, part 4

Shehnaaz Moosa & Lisa McNamara, CDKN Africa: Postcard from Marrakesh – Using ‘suppressed demand’ to increase Africa’s share of the carbon market

CDKN Africa: Postcard from Marrakesh – Day 1 of the Africa Carbon Forum

Fayyaz Ahmad Khan, CDKN Asia: Harnessing media potential in the fight against climate change

Abu Rushd Md. Ruhul Amin, CDKN Asia: Explosion of solar power in Bangladesh

CDKN Global: Green growth - debates and resources

Lisa McNamara, CDKN Africa: Postcard from Cape Town: mobilising and delivering climate finance in Africa

Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: CDKN seeks your views on green growth – part 3

Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: Why the managers of the Climate Investment Funds must celebrate success, watch their backs and raise their sights

Mairi Dupar, CDKN Global: Defining climate compatible development

CDKN Latin America: Pequeños pasos iniciales hacia la cooperación climática traen pequeñas victorias, pero no las suficientes para frenar el sufrimiento por los cambios climáticos

CDKN Latin America: Hoje um terço de moradores de cidades vive em favelas, em 2050 metade da população mundial viverá em favelas

CDKN Latin America: UN: Companies Struggle with Climate Adaptation Planning

Simon Maxwell, CDKN Global: CDKN seeks your views on green growth - part two

Saleemul Huq, Climate Change Group, IIEDCancun to Durban via Bonn

CDKN Global: What the women said: conversations with LDC women negotiators in Bonn

Frauke Urban, Institute for Development StudiesMaking power generation resilient to climate change

Want to read more? See the rest of CDKN's blogs here.

Image: Read the news, Everjean

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