Latin America ‘Action Lab’ aims to spark transformative agendas for climate policy

Latin America ‘Action Lab’ aims to spark transformative agendas for climate policy

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Date: 26th February 2015
Type: News
Tags: COP21, innovation, Paris, participation

In Quito, Ecuador, participants from 10 countries will gather to build momentum for this year's global climate negotiations, reports Jorge Villanueva of CDKN.

With CDKN support, the Latin American Climate Platform (La Plataforma Climática Latinoamericana) will host an Action Lab in Quito, Ecuador on 26-28th February. Entitled "Transforming the climate agenda: Synergies and innovation in generating agendas for change," the event aims to generate innovative ideas that will build transformative agendas for a new global climate agreement to be reached at COP21 in Paris. Readers can follow key debates at the Action Lab on the CDKN Latin America twitter account @cdkn_lac

The Action Lab will bring together key players from 10 countries in Latin America and will be focused on catalysing national dialogues and agendas to reach climate compatible development. The event will allow participants to explore four key stages in planning for the future: Reaction, Redesign, Reformulation and Leadership.

The first day will encourage participants to reflect on the national contexts for climate policy and action  in participating countries and will explore the challenges faced in progressing towards a global agreement. There will be opportunities here to look at inspiring examples of innovation and transformation.

On the second day, participants will assess the lessons learned from previous climate negotiation processes and multi-sectoral participation. They will identify opportunities to transform agendas at national, regional and at the global level.

At the end of the third day, participants will have co-created ambitious and innovative plans for national dialogue on transformative climate agendas to take forward at the COP21 negotiations.

This CDKN-supported Action Lab is part of a larger Latin American regional process; the Latin American Climate Platform is leading a multi-stakeholder dialogue to strengthen Latin American countries’ national climate agendas to feed into the new global agreement (COP21). The process calls for actors and relevant sectors of each country in the region to participate in discussions on the state of national climate policies, their needs and their vision for the future.

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