what next for climate negotiations?

what next for climate negotiations?

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Date: 23rd January 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Tags: climate negotiations, disaster risk reduction, Durban, Green Climate Fund

This is CDKN's January newsletter. To receive our newsletter, please sign up here

What next for climate negotiations?

In two posts for the CDKN website this month, our Executive Chair Simon Maxwell reflects on the prospects for the Green Climate Fund following Durban, and takes a look at the other outcomes of the conference. Meanwhile, Pa Ousman Jarju, Chairman of the Least Developed Country group of negotiators, provided a statement on his group’s reactions to CoP-17. See what Pa has to say about how Durban laid the foundation for further work in 2012 and beyond.

Are we integrating climate adaptation practices in disaster risk reduction?

A CDKN-sponsored review of global experience by Mott Macdonald looks at how climate change adaptation is being integrated into disaster risk reduction – and how such principles could strengthen post-flood reconstruction in Pakistan. Read more here.

Community ripples: watch how villages are building disaster resilience in Bangladesh

Watch the winner and runners-up of the CDKN-sponsored IIED Development and Climate Days film competition, which took place at CoP-17 in Durban. See all the videos here.

Agriculture and climate change in India

B.Venkateswarlu, Director of India’s Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, writes about the measures needed to make Indian agriculture more climate-resilient. Take a look at the blog here.
Current CDKN opportunities

Scoping a combined programme of work on climate compatible development for Pakistan

Call for proposals: Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia
Send us your feedback on CDKN’s newsletter
We’d like to receive your feedback on this monthly enewsletter, so we can make it even better in 2012. Please take five minutes to complete our simple online survey and tell us what you think!

CDKN project news

Promoting climate change adaptation policies in north-eastern Brazil

REDD+: Dialogue with governments and civil society organisations in Asia and the Pacific

Land use policy optimisation in Vietnam

Dialogue on humanitarian climate change policy and disasters

Achieving triple wins: identifying climate smart investment strategies for the coastal zone

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