Today at COP21- Strategic partnerships for climate action in Kenya

Today at COP21- Strategic partnerships for climate action in Kenya

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Story detail:
Date: 7th December 2015
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Countries: Africa, Kenya
Tags: greenhouse gas emissions, low emission development strategies, Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV), partnerships, renewable energy, Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV)

Government of Kenya Side event

Strategic Climate Change Partnerships:  Opportunities and actions in Developing Countries –

Lessons from Kenya

Monday 7th December 2015, Time: 13:15-14:45

Observer Room 8, Hall 4, Blue Zone 


Prof. Judi Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources – to discuss Kenya context in general (include renewable energy and INDC implementation) 

Mr. Sam Bickersteth, CEO, CDKN – to discuss key opportunities and achievements of CDKN’s partnership

Dr. Harun Warui, Low Emission and Climate Resilience Development partnership – to discuss opportunities and achievements of the programme

Dr. Winnie Musila, System for Land based Emissions Estimation in Kenya (SLEEK) Program Coordinator – to discuss the MRV system and partnerships with various institutions

Mr. Stephen King’uyu, Low Emission Development Global Partnership (LEDS GP) – to discuss key achievements

Ms. Deborah Murphy – DFID Strengthening Adaptation and Resilience in Kenya (StARCK+) programme – achievements of UK DFID partnership


Plenary discussion

Moderator: Dr. Richard Lesiyampe, Principal Secretary, MENR&RDA


Event theme

Kenya is on a pathway towards climate resilient low-carbon development, and continues to take steps to implement actions that promote equitable and sustainable growth, in line with its national development agenda. This interactive event aims to highlight the role of strategic partnerships in achieving Kenya’s successes in implementing key climate change actions.

The event will showcase key opportunities and achievements including development of Kenya’s policy and regulatory framework, low emissions development, and scaling up renewable energy resources development. The event will also feature a practical case on monitoring, reporting and verification using the SLEEK-land sector MRV system.



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