Twitter chat on climate risk management and international development

Twitter chat on climate risk management and international development

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Story detail:
Date: 15th September 2016
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Tags: risk management

Twitter chat: Building resilience - Climate risk management and international development

Join Climatelinks, CDKN: Climate and Development Knowledge NetworkWorld Wildlife Fund and Future Climate for Africa for a virtual event by ‘twitter chat’

Monday 26 September 2016

10:00AM to 11:00AM Eastern Daylight Time (New York); 3:00PM-4:00PM British Summer Time (London), 4:00-5:00PM South Africa time

Follow the registration link to sign up

About this Event

Climate change will impact development plans, projects and activities at local, national and regional levels. To prepare for and adapt to changes in climate and to mitigate future climate change, people, communities, governments and other institutions will need germane information, tools and resources to succeed in these efforts.

Screening for actual and expected climate risks and opportunities in sectors such as health, agriculture, water, energy and transportation, and considering greenhouse gas emissions information can help stakeholders better understand how climate change may affect development plans and investments and inform decision-making for climate risk management and climate-resilient development.

Join Climatelinks, CDKN: Climate and Development Knowledge NetworkWorld Wildlife Fund and Future Climate for Africa to talk about:

  • What climate risk management is
  • Why and how climate risk management is applied in development planning and activities
  • Resources and tools for climate risk management
  • Examples of climate risk management in practice
  • Lessons learned from climate risk management in development

This discussion will be guided by a series of questions, and we strongly encourage participants to share what they are doing in the area of climate risk management, pose questions to one another, and identify opportunities for collaboration.

Who it’s for

Climate change and development practitioners and academics, and the broader community interested in the topic.

How to join the twitter chat

Register here to receive an email reminder the day before the event.

To join the Twitter chat, follow #climateRM on Twitter from 10am to 11am EDT on September 26. The chat questions will be tweeted out from @Climatelinks. If you do not have a Twitter account, you can follow the conversation here. Check out our Twitter Chat Best Practices document to learn more about how to participate.


Image: African women farmers, courtesy CIFOR

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