How to strengthen agricultural, livestock and forestry public policies (2013)

How to strengthen agricultural, livestock and forestry public policies (2013)

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Date: 12th April 2013
Type: Feature

The impacts of climate change in Latin America are increasingly alarming and greatly affect the agricultural, livestock and forestry sectors. This leads to a situation of economic, social, environmental and political vulnerability in the region; while putting at risk human and food security and the basic conditions necessary to reduce poverty.

Latin American countries should be aware and well prepared to face the challenges that climate change imposes on these important sectors of the economy, through the creation of effective and comprehensive public policies, which promote climate compatible development. This policy brief presents key guidelines that contribute to this objective.

The document emerges from a process of analysis of the status and quality of the public policies on climate change and development in ten Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Colombia, El Salvador and Paraguay.

The brief suggests that the policies generated should have quality in the design, be implemented effectively, and guarantee institutional strengthening, greater awareness through social communication, and political and social support, for achieving its goals.

It observes that combing integrated climate policies to sectoral and macroeconomic policies from each country is necessary. This will help to prioritize the climate agenda and include a comprehensive global and regional approach. It also emphasizes the importance of working collaboratively between public and private institutions with a multilevel approach. These recommendations look to promote the legitimacy, sustainability and real impact of policies.

To read the policy brief click here.

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