CDKN in Durban - resources, opinion and outcomes from CoP-17

CDKN in Durban - resources, opinion and outcomes from CoP-17

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Story detail:
Date: 23rd January 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Tags: climate negotiations, COP17, Durban

Bringing together CDKN resources from our participation in CoP-17, including rich blog content, post-CoP analysis and links to further resources, this page provides an overview of CDKN at Durban, and beyond.

During the negotiations

CDKN was there on the ground, holding several successful side events, supporting negotiators from LDCs and providing opinion and overview of developments as they happened.

Living the Durban Durbar - picked up by online newspaper, the Huffington Post, our executive Chairman Simon Maxwell described life at the negotiations, focusing in particular on the growing energy and cooperation between NGOs, the private sector and academics that has lasted beyond the negotiations themselves. 

Side event: ‘New paradigm’ for using climate information in Africa

Side event: Rwanda - emerging in a changing climate

Video: CDKN in conversation with Rene Orellana, Head of the Bolivian delegation

Update on loss and damage from CoP-17

Videos from our debates on climate compatible development - watch video highlights from CDKN sponsored and supported side events. 

Nations on course for a multilateral legal framework on climate mitigation - CDKN staff members Tim Ash-Vie and Mairi Dupar summarise the Durban outcomes. 


Post CoP: what next for the UNFCCC negotiations process?

Our staff and guest bloggers take time to reflect on the Durban outcomes - and look to the future.

Whither the Kyoto Protocol? - Hans Verolme, senior strategic adviser to civil society organisations and governments on international climate change and green development challenges, reflects on the outcomes of CoP17. 

Durban climate politics and the growing importance of unity for vulnerable countries - Matthew McKinnon, Head of Climate Vulnerability Initiative, DARA International discusses the culture of CoP and analyses the ingredients needed for a strong outcome at the next round of negotiations. 

Where does the Green Climate Fund stand now?A view on the prospects for the Green Climate Fund following agreements in CoP17, in Durban, by CDKN’s Executive Chairman Simon Maxwell.

Reflections on the Durban outcomesA reflection on what was achieved at CoP17 in Durban, by CDKN’s Executive Chairman Simon Maxwell.

Durban lays the foundation for further work, in 2012 and beyondPa Ousman Jarju, Chairman of the LDC group, provided this statement on the group’s reactions to the final outcomes at CoP-17 in Durban. 


Image: At the negotiations, courtesy of UN Climate change

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