CDKN at Gobeshona Global Conference 2022

CDKN at Gobeshona Global Conference 2022

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Date: 24th March 2022
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event

CDKN will be holding three online side events at the annual Gobeshona Conference on Locally Led Adaption (LLA), hosted by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD).

Gobeshona will run from 27 March - 1 April 2022 and will bring together researchers as well as practitioners and supporters of LLA under one platform to focus on learning and measuring progress locally, nationally, and globally. Find out more about CDKN's side events below.

Side events

Building skills for brokering knowledge and facilitating collaboration and change

Date: Tuesday 29 March 2022
Time: 08:30 - 10:00 UTC
Location: Virtual
Hosts: CDKN and Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

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Particular skills and tools can assist knowledge brokers to be more effective in their activities. Some of these are of a more technical nature, such as to synthesise information or communicating it in user-friendly ways. Others relate to people’s skills and understanding of how to navigate political and cultural landscapes.

Learn more about why there is a great need and appetite to strengthen this diversity of skills, to result in more evidence-based decision making and stronger understanding and partnerships between stakeholders to facilitate positive change.


'Voices from the Frontlines': An agenda of community resilience at COP27

Date: Wednesday 30 March 2022
Time: 12:30 - 14:30 UTC
Location: Virtual
Hosts: ICCCAD, CDKN and Krisoker Sor

Register here

Between June 2020 and the end of 2021, ICCCAD and CDKN collaborated to capture and publish grassroots stories on localised coping mechanisms to the Covid-19 crisis. These Voices from the Frontline (VFL) stories share important lessons of resilience-building against climate change.

Find out more at this session about how these examples of locally-led adaptation can influence the COP27 preparatory processes, especially influencing the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheik Work Programme and Santiago Network on Loss and Damage.


Gender equality and social inclusion – Essential ingredients for climate-compatible development

Date: Thursday 31 March 2022
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 UTC
Location: Virtual
Hosts: CDKN

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There is increasing evidence that climate change projects fail to work well if they are ‘gender blind’, and projects are far more successful and sustainable in achieving both climate change and sustainable development goals when they include gender equality in planning and implementation. The same goes for the inclusion of young people, people living with disabilities, and other groups that have traditionally been disadvantaged in decision-making.

Join this session to find out how to practically integrate gender and social inclusion into climate projects. 


Registration for all events at the Gobeshona conference are free of charge.

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