CDKN Annual Report 2014

CDKN Annual Report 2014

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Date: 26th August 2014
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News
Tags: partnerships

CDKN’s vision and approach received strong endorsement this year, with the award of further funding from the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). This additional funding, along with continued support by the Government of the Netherlands, will enable us to maintain our current programme for two more years and transition to an independent organisation. In forging this longer-term future for CDKN, we hope and intend to involve multiple donors and diverse partners around the world.

As global leaders seek agreement on the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, CDKN’s work in 74 countries is demonstrating that approaches to combatting climate change can be in genuine synergy with efforts to reduce poverty and contribute to human development. CDKN’s goal is to support ‘climate compatible development’: development that minimises the harm caused by climate impacts, while maximising the many human development opportunities presented by low-emissions, climate-resilient approaches.

This means transforming development to respond to the changing patterns of innovation, trade, production and population distribution that climate change may create. However, we have learned in our work that policy-making in this field presents many dilemmas. There may be losers as well as winners. Good evidence, consensus building, leadership and planning tools are critical.

CDKN’s approach is unique. We are an alliance of private sector, applied research and non-governmental organisations. Crucially, we are able to offer government leaders and other decision-makers a combination of technical assistance, research and knowledge-sharing services that responds to their domestic needs for planning, financing and delivering climate compatible development. We also assist them to become more vocal and influential actors in the international climate negotiations.

In our Annual Report, also available in low resolution, we highlight cases where CDKN has helped to make a difference and evaluate our impact by focussing on ‘stories of change’. We look at the climate compatible development policies and practices that are helping to move climate change from being an ‘environment’ issue to a core economic issue. We also evaluate how we are helping governments to establish the institutions and standards to make effective use of domestic and international climate finance. Finally, we show how we are supporting developing countries to integrate disaster risk management into all aspects of development decision-making and practice.

Time is short to make climate compatible development a reality. We very much look forward to building stronger alliances and partnerships in the months ahead.

Download the CDKN Annual Report 2014 in high or low resolution.


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