Join in the dialogue on whether global climate consensus can save the planet via our webcast

Join in the dialogue on whether global climate consensus can save the planet via our webcast

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Story detail:
Date: 19th October 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event
Organisation: PriceWaterhouseCoopers

CDKN and PwC would like to invite you to attend a dialogue via webcast on whether consensus building in international climate change talks is the way to save the planet.

The webcast will be held on 29 October 2012 from 4 – 6pm GMT. 

Simply visit our homepage on the day and click on 'Climate change consensus building 2012' to follow the live streaming.

The international climate talks are proceeding slowly, perhaps too slowly to limit warming to 2 degrees. What can be done?

The talks are characterised by the search for consensus and a holistic approach to a deal (nothing is achieved until everything is achieved). Delegates engage primarily through self-appointed groups which negotiate on behalf of sovereign states. Outside of the UNFCCC, climate change has largely been sidelined in diplomatic discussions.

Is this the best approach? CDKN and PwC will be hosting leading experts and stakeholders at an interactive event to stimulate ideas on building consensus in international climate change talks. The event aims to explore questions such as:

  • Does the current configuration of UNFCCC groups most effectively support the ambition of limiting warming to 2 degrees?
  • Are there other forums in which to build consensus, and how best can these be used to support the UNFCCC process?
  • What are the advantages of agreement by consensus as opposed to other means?
  • Could international law act as a driver of an international climate change agreement?
  • Is national climate change legislation a prerequisite for a global deal?

A number of leading practitioners and government advisers have been invited to present their ideas to an expert judging panel. The protagonists include:

  • Jose Garabaldi – Latin American negotiations advisor to various countries
  • Farhana Yamin – Chair, Climate Strategies and Visiting Professor, Department of Laws, University College London
  • Christof Schwarte - legal expert on climate change and Executive Director of the Legal Response Initiative
  • Louise Van Schaik – international relations expert at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'
  • Mark Kenber – CEO of The Climate Group
  • Robert Falkner – professor of international relations at LSE
  • Bridget Burns - Project and Communications Coordinator at Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)

The judging panel will provide comment and feedback on each of the ideas. The judges will include:

  • Richard Gledhill (PwC),
  • Peter Betts (Department of Energy and Climate Change)
  • Seth Osafo (AGN legal advisor)
  • Daniele Violetti (Chief of Staff, UNFCCC)

The event will be chaired by Simon Maxwell (CDKN’s Executive Chairman).

We wish to make the webcast as interactive as possible and viewers will be encouraged to submit questions via Twitter using the hashtag #ClimateConsensus2012.  Alternatively you can email your questions during the event to

The audience in London will have the opportunity to submit questions and vote on the best ideas using hand held technology.  We will also stream the event live through a webinar.  A briefing paper will be produced after the event summarising the discussions and highlighting best practice and recommendations for consensus building in international climate change.

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