Call for expressions of interest - adaptation interventions and policy options for the climate change induced displaced people of Bangladesh

Call for expressions of interest - adaptation interventions and policy options for the climate change induced displaced people of Bangladesh

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Story detail:
Date: 1st August 2011
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Countries: Asia, Bangladesh
Tags: climate impacts, climate-related migration

The geographic location and geo-morphological conditions of Bangladesh have made the country one of the most vulnerable to natural disasters. Climate change-induced displacement may undermine national economic growth, increase pressure on key infrastructure and services, and lead to deterioration of human development indicators, which may halt progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Supporting both the autonomous and planned adaptation strategies of climate change induced migrants with adequate policy recommendations has been highlighted in the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCC SAP 2009)[1]. However, there is currently little information available on climate change induced migration for policy makers in Bangladesh. In response to a direct request from the Government of Bangladesh, CDKN will commission research on the issue in order to provide both the government and other key stakeholders in Bangladesh with a clear picture on the current and predicted trajectory of climate induced migration and its consequences to ensure sustainable development planning and implementation in Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh, the issue of climate change induced displacement is not yet a focus of the country’s overall or sectoral development planning process. Therefore, although migration is stated to be one of the nationally recognised adaptation options, the existing development policy planning for climate change adaptation is limited, and is not sufficient to address the growing need to cope with the uncertainties of migration. In addition, large-scale migration between regions in Bangladesh is not yet factored into national adaptation strategies.

Given the lack of information currently available to policy makers, it is necessary to identify the policy gaps and initiate policy advocacy to support integration of migration into  development policies at the national adaptation policy planning process as well as at the Municipal/sub-national level. There is also an urgent need at the national level for the development of appropriate policies, institutions, and mechanisms to help target intervention strategies for migrant populations.

Discussions with the Government of Bangladesh have identified a need for the following two research components. You are invited to express interest in one, or both, of the two research components of the project:

Research Component A: ‘Understanding the consequences of climate change for human migration in Bangladesh: the reasons and challenges’

Research Component B: Review of existing policies and key stakeholders in Bangladesh on planning for climate induced migration.

The research components provide an outline of what the Government of Bangladesh is seeking from this research project.

We invite you, either as individual organisations or in partnership with others, to express interest in the design and delivery of this research project.

The timeline for delivery of the two components is set at a maximum of 18 months. They also will collectively feed into the following knowledge products and activities:

Minimum 1 peer reviewed journal article for each research component;

Minimum 4-6 Policy Briefs for each relevant ministry for incorporation into their development policies;

Dissemination of recommendations through national level/district/local level workshops/policy dialogues. 

The work will be commissioned through a competitive research application process and funded by CDKN. If you are interested in applying, please express interest and you will receive the research funding application documents.

In order to express interest, please kindly send an email to Kashmala Kakakhel (, and Michelle Kooy ( and the CDKN Procurement team (

The email should include the following information:

  • Subject line: Expression of interest: Bangladesh Migration Project
  • Organisation/company name
  • A sentence confirming your interest in bidding for the work
  • Whether you are interested in component A, component B or both component A and component B.
  • The name of any partner organisations you anticipate that you will work with
  • A contact name(s), email address and telephone number for the most appropriate person(s) to send further information to regarding bidding

The deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest is 17.00 GMT on Friday 12 August 2011. Tender documents will be sent out the following week.

Your suggestions for other organisations that you believe should be invited to tender for this work are also welcome. Please send any suggestions to the contacts above.

[1]Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) 2009; Government ofBangladesh

Photo: DFID via Flickr

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