An action plan for Kenya’s National Climate Change Response Strategy - Call for Expressions of Interest

An action plan for Kenya’s National Climate Change Response Strategy - Call for Expressions of Interest

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Story detail:
Date: 10th April 2011
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Countries: Africa, Kenya
Tags: adaptation, capacity-building, climate impacts, mitigation, planning

In April 2010 the Government of Kenya published the National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS). This was a thorough and comprehensive assessment of the issues that climate change raises in the country, and presented a detailed implementation and resource mobilisation plan. This included the identification of adaptation and mitigation measures at an annual average cost of some US$ 3bn over the next 20 years.

Further reflection on the NCCRS has led the Government of Kenya to identify the intermediate actions that are needed in order to make coordinated and practical progress.

CDKN, together with DFID, AFD and other potential donor programmes, has been approached to support and co-fund the development of this Action Plan.  The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is also supporting Kenya in this process, as a leading practice example that can be shared and replicated more widely across Africa.

In order to initiate these proceedings, CDKN is managing a procurement process to identify potential suppliers who may be interested in delivering this exciting and challenging Action Plan with the Government of Kenya.

Please find attached a series of documents which provide all the necessary information you need to express interest in delivering services to the Government of Kenya:

• A Prospectus detailing the opportunity

• Annex A: Terms of Reference for the 8 subcomponents of the Action Plan:

Subcomponent 1 - Low carbon pathway & Vision 2030

Subcomponent 2 - Enabling regulatory framework

Subcomponent 3 - National Adaptation Plan

Subcomponent 4 - NAMAs

Subcomponent 5 - Technology transfer R&D

Subcomponent 6 - Performance & benefit measurement

Subcomponent 7 - Capacity building

Subcomponent 8 - Finance

• Annex B: An additional Terms of Reference for a Coordination subcomponent

• Annex C: Expression of Interest selection document (for completion)

• Annex D: A Non-Disclosure Agreement template (for completion)

Contact details:

Alex Aguado, CDKN Procurement Team.


Please note that the deadline for enquiries regarding this Call for Expressions of Interest has now past.

Responses to all enquiries received before the deadline may be found here.

The deadline for receipt of Expressions of Interest is Friday 15 April at 17.00 GMT+1

Image: A 28-member farming group in Machakos, Kenya farms a 4-acre plot where they grow oranges, avocado, vegetables, maize. Shot by McKay Savage, Women from the Mbini Self-Help Group showing off the fields,Wikimedia Commons via Flickr, under the Creative CommonsAttribution 2.0 Generic licence.

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