Understanding patterns of climate resilient economic development: a synthesis

Understanding patterns of climate resilient economic development: a synthesis

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Author: Eldis
Organisation: Eldis

Data availability and quality were one of the binding constraints throughout the development of the case studies: — as adaptation is context specific, the degree of geographical resolution must be high to arrive at meaningful, evidence - based conclusions. However, the data relevant to both adaptation efforts and impacts are generally difficult or costly to find or unavailable; — similarly, analysis concerning distributional patterns of development requires highly disaggregated household data which are generally rare; — issues surrounding data availability worsen when looking at a municipal - or city - scale as opposed to a national scale.

Statistical agencies often do not collect the wide range of indicators required and, even when they do, they are subject to differences in exact geographical boundaries, gaps and opaque methodologies. Even where data are available, quantitative attribution of effects and issues around causality are challenging. While this project produced a number of findings about the relationship between economic development and climate resilience, these are based on the synthesis of four case studies.

The data gathered were not sufficient to perform robust data - driven analysis in each individual case study to gain a more accurate perception of correlation and causality. Likewise, general equilibrium modelling of climate impacts remains analytically challenging.

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