Planning for NDC implementation - Quick start guide and reference manual

Photo: Andreas 

Planning for NDC implementation - Quick start guide and reference manual

The Paris Agreement entered into force in November 2016. The focus now falls on implementing the national climate commitments- Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)- that form the basis of the agreement.

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network, along with Ricardo E&E, have developed a quick start guide and reference manual to support Less Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) plan for NDC implementation. The guide covers governance, mitigation, adaptation, finance and measuring, reporting and verification.

As there are strong synergies between adaptation and other development goals, including almost all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the guide takes wider development objectives into account and recognises that climate action would be a missed opportunity otherwise.

The work draws on authors’ experience of supporting climate and development policy preparations in a number of countries, and was developed through consultation with a wide range of stakeholders across the Climate and Development Knowledge Network’s global network of in-country advisors, climate and development practitioners, and international organisations working to support developing country NDCs. The guide is targeted towards developing country policy-makers at national and subnational level, as well as development partners and practitioners that support the implementation of NDCs.

You can download Planning for NDC Implementation: A Quick-Start Guide and the reference manual (Planifier la mise en oeuvre de la CDN: Guide de démarrage rapide et le manuel de référence) here. (6.63 MB)

You can download Planning for NDC Implementation: A Quick-Start Guide (Planifier la mise en oeuvre de la CDN: Guide de démarrage rapide) here. (3 MB) You can download the reference manual (le manuel de référence) here. (3 MB)


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