Planning and costing adaptation of perennial crop farming systems to climate change: Coffee and banana in Rwanda

Planning and costing adaptation of perennial crop farming systems to climate change: Coffee and banana in Rwanda

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Resource detail:
Author: Eldis
Organisation: Eldis

The study objective of evaluating and costing the most suitable climate change adaptation measures responding to the Rwandan Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy, 2008-2012, in which climate change and its adverse impacts were recently identified as a high priority. The EDPRS highlights the establishment of criteria for secure settlements in the areas that are exposed to meteorological hazards, as well as the development and implementation of early warning systems to improve drought and food security.
This study has particularly focused on coffee and banana farming systems and aimed at analysing shocks due to climate change from farmer to policymaker perspectives. And discusses implementation strategies for adaping to climate change.

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