EVENT: The Paris climate commitments - propositions for national action

EVENT: The Paris climate commitments - propositions for national action

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Author: CDKN Global
Tags: implementation, Nationally Determined Contributions

At this event, hosted by CDKN and the Overseas Development Institute, experts discussed progress in planning for NDC implementation across seven countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Critically, the discussion focused on how the NDCs are being mainstreamed into national development processes – so that climate change is not an isolated concern of environment ministries but owned across governments and beyond.

In December 2015, representatives of 195 governments concluded the historic Paris climate agreement, stating that 'climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human societies and the planet.'

Countries’ national commitments for climate action – termed the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – form a vital part of the Paris Agreement. Eighteen months after the Paris Agreement was concluded, many countries are forging ahead with detailed plans for delivering on their commitments. They are undeterred by the US announcement of its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. However, most climate-vulnerable countries require some degree of financing from international sources (public and private) to help them achieve their full aspirations.

Watch the event here:


The event was convened alongside the launch of 10 propositions for success: Integrating international climate change commitments into national development planning. The paper develops a set of ten propositions that, if followed, would successful integration of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into national development planning.

The evidence suggests that the policy and planning framework in the seven countries examined is generally supportive of mainstreaming climate change actions into national development planning; that there are challenges in securing institutional effectiveness for NDC implementation, often reflecting differing capacities across sectors and different levels of government; and that the financing of NDCs remains unclear, being dependent to-date on national budget allocations for which there has been limited monitoring of the relevant spending.

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