New ALIN video on harvesting rainwater from rock catchments in Kenya’s dry areas

New ALIN video on harvesting rainwater from rock catchments in Kenya’s dry areas

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Resource detail:
Author: CDKN Africa
Type: Videos
Countries: Africa, Kenya
Tags: adaptation, climate resilience

In Kenya’s arid and semi-arid areas, it is vital to collect water during the rainy seasons in order to have enough for dry periods. With projected increases in water insecurity from climate change, water harvesting will become even more critical for enhancing the resilience of vulnerable communities to climate stress. This video highlights how communities are using rock catchments to harvest rainwater in the Mutomo District in Kenya’s Eastern Province.

This video was produced by the Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN), a Kenyan based NGO, supported by CDKN to facilitate information sharing on practical and innovative practices being undertaken in Kenyan communities to respond to a changing climate. The best practices were featured in a special issue of ALIN’s newsletter ‘Joto Afrika’. Also watch how rural farming communities in Kenya are using waste from their cows and other livestock to produce clean and climate-friendly energy for cooking with locally-manufactured biogas technology.

ALIN has Maarifa (knowledge) centres located in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Find out about the work the Mutomo Maarifa Centre - located in the same district as the water harvesting initiatives - is doing to improve local livelihoods.

Photo courtesy of the Arid Lands Information Network of a rock catchment in Mutomo District, Kenya.

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