Green growth and climate resilience national strategy for climate change and low carbon development

Green growth and climate resilience national strategy for climate change and low carbon development

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Author: Eldis
Organisation: Eldis

This Strategy looks beyond 2020 to 2050, and recommends actions that Rwanda can take in the short to medium term to ensure its future stability and prosperity in a changing climate and uncertain energy future. The purpose of the Strategy is threefold: (1) To guide national policy and planning in an integrated way, (2) To mainstream climate change into all sectors of the economy, and (3) To position Rwanda to access international funding to achieve climate resilience and low carbon development. The Strategy calls upon national planners to chart a new development pathway for integrated sector planning that balances cross-cutting issues of resource management. The Rwanda National Strategy on Climate Change and Low Carbon Development was developed over a period of nine months, from November 2010 to July 2011.

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