Economics of Climate Change in Rwanda

Economics of Climate Change in Rwanda

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Author: Eldis
Organisation: Eldis

The ‘Economics of Climate Change in Rwanda’, funded by DFID and undertaken by the Stockholm Environment Institute together with local partners, has assessed the impacts and economics costs of climate change, the costs and benefits of adaptation and pathways of low carbon growth for Rwanda. This report is set out as follows: Chapter 1 presents the introduction. Chapter 2 presents the analysis of the possible impacts and economic costs of climate change in Rwanda. It first presents a top-down aggregated assessment using economic models. It then presents a sector by sector analysis including analysis and case studies.
Chapter 3 presents the analysis of the costs of adaptation in Rwanda. It first presents a top-down aggregated assessment based on the emerging estimates for Africa. It then presents a sector by sector analysis including case studies which address the potential economic costs identified in the analysis in part 1.Chapter 4 presents the analysis of low carbon growth for Rwanda

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