Climate change and rural institutions strengthening climate change adaptation in Zambia

Climate change and rural institutions strengthening climate change adaptation in Zambia

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Resource detail:
Author: Eldis
Organisation: Eldis

The Government of Zambia is making important progress in establishing a national framework for climate change adaptation. However, there is a need for more attention to the crucial role of district level institutions such as Local Government, local sector agencies and NGOs.There is progress on institutionalizing Zambia’s disaster prevention and management at district and community levels. District Disaster Management Committees have been set up, and in some areas also satellite disaster management committees. There is, however, a tendency for efforts to come and go with disasters, and at community level institutional mechanisms tend to become virtually defunct between major disasters. Recommendations:

  • give more attention to adaptation to gradual climate change, which tends to be overshadoed by the urgency of flood- and drought responses
  • strengthen the flexibility, mandate and access to financing for district institutions in climate change adaptation
  • coordination and collaboration between NGO activities, donor-funded programmes and Local Government is important for wider impacts


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