Baseline information and indicators for the Rwanda Africa Adaptation Project (AAP) and Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) Projects

Baseline information and indicators for the Rwanda Africa Adaptation Project (AAP) and Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) Projects

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Author: Eldis
Organisation: Eldis

The Government of the Republic of Rwanda is a beneficiary of two climate change adaptation initiatives: i) ‘Supporting Integrated and Comprehensive Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation in Africa’ under the Africa Adaptation Programme supported (AAP project); and ii) ‘Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change by Establishing Early Warning and Disaster Preparedness Systems and Support for Integrated Watershed Management in Flood Prone Areas’ supported by the Least Developed Countries Fund (LCDF project).This report presents the results of the baseline survey undertaken during a three week mission to Rwanda from the 14th November to the 5th of December 2011. It includes the development of a vulnerability index for local communities at projects sites, as well as the support information for the monitoring and evaluation of both projects.

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