Project : Supporting low emissions development planning in Peru

Project : Supporting low emissions development planning in Peru

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Project detail:
Status: Completed

CDKN provided in-depth support for low carbon development in Peru, specifically through the Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS) process, which constitutes phase one of PlanCC.

CDKN´s support was divided into two stages. Stage one included four activities to ensure the success of the MAPS process:

1. Updating the national Greenhouse Gas inventory in order to have quality initial information for modelling

2. Training researchers and governmental counterparts on inventories and modelling, to build in-house capacity, ensure homogeneous knowledge and ensure the quality of the research work

3. Creating a baseline study on public awareness, that will allow the measurement of the impact of the process in adding a new climate compatible and low-carbon perspective amongst key stakeholders

4. Developing a strategy and action plan for knowledge management.

Stage two was scoped towards the end of Stage one.

CDKN in Latin American Countries aims to provide thought leadership on key areas. This is an opportunity for convening a regional learning platform on the role of MAPS within a Climate Compatible Development planning process, and how to integrate adaptation into the MAPS methodologies.

CDKN funding: £118,000