Project : Knowledge brokers collaboration - The InfoAmazonia GeoJournalism project

Project : Knowledge brokers collaboration - The InfoAmazonia GeoJournalism project

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Tags: climate knowledge brokers, journalism

Using Google Earth software, the project created an interactive map of the Amazon basin that contains layers of information combining satellite images, news, information and multi-media reports about climate and development from both professional and citizen journalists. The map featured stories and information provided by knowledge brokers that has helped the public and policy groups accurately report and respond to the region’s need to combat forest fires, deforestation, adapt to environmental change and build a sustainable economy.

The project also built a network of journalists trained in climate and development issues and based in the Amazon region to use Google Earth applications as the main basis for editing their stories. Placing their pictures, texts, videos and graphics on an online geographical information system has enabled these journalists to build audiences and walk them through the reality of climate change and its related causes and impacts on forest ecosystems in the Amazon.

The network consists of professional journalists already covering the environment, climate and development experts, citizen reporters and other knowledge brokers, making the InfoAmazonia GeoJournalism platform not only a space for professional journalists, but also for the public. Knowledge brokers in the region sent in pictures, stories and video to be posted on the interactive map.  All input, whether submitted by professional or citizen reporters, was vetted for quality to create a robust, reliable and accurate reporting community within the Amazon basin.

Lead: Internews Europe

CDKN funding: £95,000

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