Justice in a changing climate

Justice in a changing climate

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Country: Africa


The causes of climate change lie predominantly with the rich, industrialised countries of the global North. Yet the impacts of these changes are disproportionally affecting the marginalised groups and communities of the global South that have been subject to historical, systemic discrimination. Despite this, these communities are rarely included in decision making and implementation of climate action thereby limiting the possibility of just transformational climate solutions.

In response, CDKN and the Amplifying Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) programmes, alongside the Global Landscapes Forum, have partnered to amplify local climate knowledge and solutions so they are better recognised and supported, as well as advocating for the financing of these locally-shaped responses.

Knowledge brokering and collaborative learning approaches are been employed in working with local communities to effectively advocate for financed, locally-shaped, inclusive and just climate action. The objectives and accompanying work areas span four areas of justice; procedural, distributional, historical and transformational.

Project objectives

General objective:

To empower local groups and communities to effectively advocate for just and inclusive climate actions.

Specific objectives:

  1. Promote the use of inclusive, plural knowledge systems and approaches to achieve a common understanding across a range of stakeholders of what is required to realise climate justice.
  2. Support the integration of gender and social inclusion into understandings of climate justice at multiple scales through advocacy and mutual capacity strengthening activities, which recognise intersectionality.
  3. Champion distributional justice through the equitable financing of locally-shaped climate action through promoting the uptake of existing appropriate community-based financing mechanisms, and supporting advocacy for improved international finance of local climate action.

Project outputs

The project’s key outputs are:

  • The development of a small grants competition for local groups to share their experience of climate justice through innovative formats.
  • The creation of narratives and messages that demonstrate how climate justice is a feminist issue.
  • Showcase existing promising local finance mechanisms at national and global levels.

Partners: Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) programme
