Geoff Barnard

Geoff Barnard

Geoff is an Information and Knowledge Management Specialist. Previously head of information at the Institute of Development Studies and a founding member of Panos, Geoff joined CDKN in 2010. Geoff led the knowledge management team for its first two years, helping to develop CDKN’s thinking and approach to knowledge management and communication, and now plays a more advisory role focussed particularly around learning and CDKN’s work with think tanks and other knowledge brokers.

He is also the Chair of the Steering Group of the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group, which is an emerging alliance of 40 leading global, national and regional websites specialising in climate and development information, bringing together institutional organisations, research institutions, NGOs and good practice networks.

Geoff has a MSc in Technology and Development from Imperial College London, and an MA in Natural Science from St John’s College, Cambridge.

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