DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO: La sociedad civil como catalizadora de agendas climáticas
¿Sólo la voluntad política permitiría la incidencia? ¿Dónde buscar los mejores aliados? ¿Cómo es posible fortalecer las redes climáticas. Estas son algunas de las preguntas que se intentan responder en este documento de trabajo. Esta publicacion es el resultado de una experiencia que impulso CDKN con otros organizaciones regionales para promover avances en las agendas climáticas nacionales e incrementar la capacidad institucional de los países.
Beat the Heat
CDKN launches a new film that tells the story of how heat action plans are saving lives and reducing ill health in India's cities - and how the promising and practical approaches are being adopted by other Indian cities.
26th April 2017
The changing risk of extreme weather: Insights from Raising Risk Awareness
Raising Risk Awareness held a three-day learning event, hosted in Nairobi, to bring together 65 members of the Raising Risk Awareness team from across the globe. A series of short films were produced on the takeaway messages of the learning event and the importance of climate science attribution.
26th April 2017
Hundreds of millions of poor menaced by 'silent killer'
Extreme heat is endangering lives and livelihoods in India, and become more frequent as a result of climate change. Technological and financial innovations offer some hope.
24th April 2017
Decision-making for African development - and what it means for climate science
Join Dr Chris Jack of the University of Cape Town and the Future Climate for Africa programme on Friday 28 April to consider how climate science can make African decision-making for development more effective - based on his team's experiences in Southern African cities. Register today.
22nd April 2017
Curso online gratuito sobre Desarrollo Sostenible y Compatible con el Clima
Este curso busca desarrollar un concepto donde el Desarrollo Sostenible y el Cambio Climático van de la mano para minimizar las consecuencias del cambio climatico, mientras se maximizan las oportunidades de desarrollo humano sostenible que presenta un futuro de bajas emisiones y más resiliente al clima. A traves de este curso se podrán incorporar conceptos claves y ejemplos sobre cómo el DSCC puede llegar a ser una realidad. Este curso es público y gratuito y comienza el 2 de Mayo con un un cupo máximo de 30 personas.
19th April 2017
Making informed decisions to prepare for extreme weather events (Hindi version)
Raising Risk Awareness presents this Hindi infographic which sets out why attributing extreme weather events is critical and how the process works, towards helping decision-makers and the public to prioritise adaptation solutions and reduce vulnerability.
17th April 2017
Indonesia’s climate-smart motors
Syed Abbas Hussain describes the importance of energy efficiency in Indonesia’s economy and describes how CDKN-supported initiatives have laid the groundwork for cost savings and avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.
12th April 2017
Collaboration for decision-making in attribution science
This short film, from the Raising Risk Awareness initiative, explains the need for collaboration in attribution science, bringing local needs and knowledge to the table to assist decision-making in reducing the impacts of an extreme weather event.
Collaboration and local knowledge key to communicating attribution science
Reporting from a three-day learning event from the Raising Risk Awareness project, Syed Abbas Hussain of LEAD Pakistan looks at the challenges facing collaboration, engaging the media and policy-makers, and translating the findings of the initiative for a local audience.