Live from Rio+20 CDKN side event

Live from Rio+20 CDKN side event

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Fecha: 17 de junio, 2012
Tipo: Noticia
País, región: América Latina y el Caribe
Etiquetas: ciudades, Rio+20

Live from Rio+20 CDKN side event: Mainstreaming Climate Change into Sustainable Urban Planning, in this link:

CDKN will share its experiences of integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation into sustainable urban planning, drawing on lessons from its projects, as well as an example of Resilient Cities, Strength Climate Disaster Risk Management policies and capacity in response to extreme weather events.

We will explore: What do we know about cities´ vulnerability to climate change, and what are the gaps in our knowledge? What are some of the best ways of cultivating stakeholder understanding and buy-in to the urban resilience agenda? What type of research, technical assistance, governance innovation and knowledge-sharing would assist municipal decision-makers in building climate resilience.


Ari Huhtala, Director of Policy and Programmes, CDKN.


Claudia Martinez, Colombia Country Engagement Leader, CDKN.
Daniele Cesano, Communication, Education and Information on Gender (CEMINA).
Maria Eugenia di Paola, Executive Director at Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN).


Ali Sheikh, CDKN Asia Network Director and Chief Executive Officer of Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD, Pakistan).
Luciana Travasos, professor in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Sao Paulo.

Press Contact: Vanessa Morales –

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