The CFAS experts

The CFAS experts

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Story detail:
Date: 12th February 2013
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature

CFAS is managed by CDKN, in collaboration with a consortium of climate finance experts led by Germanwatch and that includes the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and developing country climate finance experts.

The primary role of the CDKN team, comprised of staff from PwC, LEAD international and ODI, will be to manage the overall operational arrangements of CFAS, and to provide quality assurance on all non ‘rapid response query’ outputs (i.e. policy briefing notes, newsletter materials, and synthesised query responses appearing on the CDKN website). Relevant members of the CDKN team include:

  • Dan Hamza-Goodacre (Head of Negotiations support for CDKN), PwC
  • Fran Walker (CFAS project manager), PwC

In addition, the above team will draw on the expertise of members of the CDKN climate finance cluster (including experts from ODI) to review non-confidential outputs generated from CFAS.

The primary role of Germanwatch’s consortium team will be to respond to rapid response queries, draft policy briefing notes and prepare regular newsletters. Relevant members of the consortium team include:


  • Alpha Kaloga (Policy Officer)
  • Linde Grießhaber (Policy Officer)
  • Lisa Junghans (CFAS coordination)

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

  • Christine Grüning (Climate Finance Expert)
  • Carola Menzel (Climate Finance Expert)
  • Karol Kempa, (Climate Policy Expert)

Associated climate finance experts

  • Alix Mazounie (RAC France)
  • Mahlet Eyassu (Ethiopia, former Forum for the Environment)
  • Henriette Imelda (Institute for Essential Services Reform, Indonesia)
  • Red Constantino (Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, Philippines)
  • Isaac Ferrera (Fundacion Vida, Honduras)
  • Emanuel Seck, Libasse Ba (ENDA TM Senegal)
  • Raju Pandit Chhetri (Independent Consultant, Nepal)

The CFAS consortium is made up of the following organisations:

- Frankfurt School

- Fundacion Vida

- RAC France

- Institute for Essential Services Reform

- Institute for Essential Services Reform, Indonesia


Find out more about CFAS and how to submit a query.

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