Resources and opinion from Rio+20

Resources and opinion from Rio+20

Following our Rio+20 experiences, where we participated in debates, shared ideas and came away with renewed energy to support climate compatible development around the world,  we've put together our materials. Here, we present the full collection of our resources and opinion from the conference, including videos, blogs and side event reports.

Reflections on Rio: a response from CDKN - a full response to the conference by Ari Huhtala and Pippa Heylings, drawing positives and opportunities from the vibrant civil society participation and wealth of exciting initiatives.

What is climate security? CDKN in conversation with Pippa Heylings at Rio+20 - a video interview with Pippa Heylings, Regional Director of CDKN Latin America & the Caribbean.

Climate Vulnerable Forum takes action - CDKN`s Director of Policy and Programmes, Ari Huhtala reports on the discussions held by the Climate Vulnerable Forum at its side event at the Rio+20 Summit.

Rio+20 – Where’s the real energy? - Claudia Martinez of CDKN reports from Rio de Janeiro, where she wishes that the energy bubbling in the side events of the Rio+20 Summit would infect the official negotiations.

Great expectations of Rio+20? A debate -Experts from CDKN share their views on what we might expect from the Rio+20 Summit – and how businesses have the chance to make new commitments.

Climate Vulnerability Forum Side Event – Members of the Climate Vulnerable Forum share their thoughts on the role of the forum and the priorities of its members going forward.

CDKN Side Event - Mainstreaming Climate Change into Urban Planning - The side event showcases some of the project CDKN is currently involved in, including presentations on the situation currently facing Cartagena, Colombia and why climate compatible development is so  important to the city.  An example from Brazil of what can happen when there is insufficient disaster risk reduction mechansims in place and how Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Sao Paulo are working together to promote leadership and climate citizenship.

In conversation with Ari Huhtala – CDKN caught up with Ari during Rio+20.  In this film Ari shares his thoughts on the impacts climate change is having on populations in urban areas and where this may eventually lead.

In conversation with Dr. Vandana Shiva – philosopher and environmental activist.  Dr. Shiva explains how the Yasuni Initiative in Ecuador provides a wake up call for all countries of the Amazon, encouraging them to embrace and safeguard its biodiversity.

In conversation with Daniele Cesano of Redeh - Following on from the CDKN side event - Mainstreaming Climate Change into Urban Planning Daniele talks to CDKN about the lessons learned from the January 2011 Rio landslides and heavy rains.  He explains how the low risk perception of environmental catastrophes’ in Brazil has caused a lack of awareness of the importance of considering long term planning urban planning and consideration of climate change adaptation factors.


We  invite bloggers from around the world to share their experiences and views. The views expressed here are those of the author[s], and not necessarily those of CDKN.

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