This project examines how Indonesia can transition away from its current 'business as usual' development model and achieve its water, energy and food security goals without further deforestation. In doing so, it identifies opportunities and challenges for the necessary coordinated development strategies that recognise and account for the true value of natural resources, their ecosystem services, and the inherent resource trade-offs between sectors.
Argentina's urban agriculture and forestry in pictures
A report from RUAF and CDKN assesses how urban agriculture and forestry is integrated into climate plans in Rosario, Argentina and the below images take us through the journey of Rosario's new climate change adaptation plans.
1st April 2015
Sri Lanka's urban agriculture and forestry in pictures
A new report from the RUAF Foundation and CDKN looks at the way in which urban agriculture and forestry has been integrated into climate change action plans in the Western Province, Sri Lanka. The below images take us through the journey of Western Province's adaptation plans.
31st March 2015
Report : Integrating urban agriculture and forestry into climate change action plans
For cities to be sustainable, they need to simultaneously mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions and ensure adequate access to basic urban services such as water, food and energy to their growing populations. A new report from CDKN and RUAF Foundation looks at the cases of Sri Lanka and Argentina where urban adaptation plans have achieved numerous benefits.
12th December 2014
Amazon alert
The Amazon region’s environmental problems may seem intractable. However, the Amazon Security coalition presents a new framing of the problems that could capture political attention, delegates hear at COP20 in Lima, Peru.
Report : Surface temperature variations in the Kesbewa Urban Council Area, Sri Lanka
This paper, Surface Temperature Variations in the Kesbewa Urban Council area, Sri Lanka, looks at the spatial pattern of surface temperature in the KUC area, and the demographic factors and surface temperature in the Kesbewa Urban Council area of Sri Lanka.
15th August 2014
Report : Monitoring the climate change impacts of urban agriculture in Rosario, Argentina
This paper, Monitoring the Climate Change Impacts of Urban Agriculture in Rosario, Argentina, examines the city’s urban agriculture programme, the contribution of green areas to reducing the Urban Heat Island, the transportation and conservation of food and the effects of UPA on run-off and infiltration of storm water.
Policy Brief : Community-based Measurement, Reporting and Verification System for REDD+
This paper, Integrating Community - Based Participatory Carbon Measurement and Monitoring with Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS in a Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System for REDD+, looks at building community involvement and capacity, and presents key policy recommendations.