Seven years of research on climate resilience in the Caribbean

Seven years of research on climate resilience in the Caribbean

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Story detail:
Date: 24th March 2017
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event

Seven years of climate resilience research in the Caribbean: making the case for action

This webinar took place on Wednesday 29th March 2017


A recording is available here




  • Maria José Pacha. Knowledge Management and Networks Coordinator - CDKN Latin America and Caribbean

Seven years of climate resilience research in the Caribbean: Government, communities, climate data and the case for action.

  • Olivia Palin. Senior Consultant, Acclimatise (Barbados)
  • Will Bugler. Senior Communications Consultant, Acclimatise (UK)


  • Key experts in attendance (available to answer questions)


About the webinar

What lessons can be learned from seven years’ of climate change resilience research in the Caribbean?

This is the question that drives recent analysis from the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). In the course of its work in the Caribbean, CDKN has supported a variety of projects, from helping to develop regional climate data/ information to improving our understanding of community approaches to adaptation and resilience.

CDKN has now published a series of four ‘knowledge packages’ consisting of policy briefs, infographics and videos, that provide an analysis of the work carried out under four research projects.

This webinar presents the main findings of the four knowledge packages, which touch on four cross-cutting themes:

Participants will also have the chance to ask questions of key experts involved in the original research*.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact

*The projects that were included in the analysis are: the ‘Supporting risk-based decision-making in the Caribbean’ (CARIWIG) project, the Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation tool (CCORAL), the ‘Global Islands’ Vulnerability Research, Adaptation, Policy and Development’ (GIVRAPD) project, and the Caribbean Research call.


About the presenters

Olivia Palin, Acclimatise

Olivia is a Senior Consultant at Acclimatise. She leads Acclimatise’s work in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and is manager of Acclimatise’s subsidiary company in Barbados, Acclimatise LAC Ltd. Olivia led Acclimatise’s work developing the CDKN knowledge packages that are the focus of this webinar.

Will Bugler, Acclimatise

Will is a Senior Consultant at Acclimatise and leads the companies work on communicating climate change risk and resilience. Will undertook the technical analysis of the CDKN project outputs and co-authored the newly-released policy briefs that will be discussed in the webinars.


Picture: David Stanley 

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