Climate services 'co-produced' with users are more effective - Here's how

Climate services 'co-produced' with users are more effective - Here's how

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Date: 10th July 2019
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event

The Weather and Climate Information Services in East Africa (WISER) programme has released the recording of its June 2019 webinar, which explores the questions: how can meteorological agencies and climate scientists work better with the users of climate information and why does it matter? They describe a range of case studies where meteorologists and climate scientists worked closely with user groups and produced more effective climate services as a result.

The webinar previews a forthcoming manual on Co-Production of African Weather and Climate Services, which is due to be released in late 2019. The manual draws on 18 case studies from across the African continent for various sectors and contexts, four of which are showcased in the webinar recording.

Read the questions and answers from the webinar here (pdf).

The webinar and forthcoming manual are both initiatives of the WISER TRANSFORM project whose purpose is to "create a learning and exchange environment ... to apply co-production approaches, better understand the drivers of user uptake of weather and climate information as well as case studies on measuring the socio economic benefit of using climate services."

This webinar was the first in a series of virtual meetings to be facilitated by WISER TRANSFORM where learnings from the WISER programme will be shared with interested stakeholders. To receive notifications of future WISER webinars, please email us on to be added to the webinar mailing list.

The webinar and forthcoming manual on co-production approaches were also supported by the Future Climate for Africa programme. Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) aims to generate fundamentally new climate science focused on Africa, and to ensure that this science has an impact on human development across the continent. To join the FCFA enewsletter mailing list, please visit the sign-up form.

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