Advances in monitoring and evaluating climate adaptation

Advances in monitoring and evaluating climate adaptation

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Story detail:
Date: 18th January 2017
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Event

Date: Wednesday 18th January 2017

Time: 9:00 - 10:30 CST (UTC-6)

Location: GoToWebinar

Join the LEDS Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (LEDS LAC) for a webinar highlighting advances in monitoring and evaluating climate adaptation activities.

Countries around the world are increasingly including climate change adaptation commitments and considerations into their climate and development policies, recognising the need to make adjustments in response to a rapidly changing climate. With a high vulnerability to climate pressures, Latin America and the Caribbean is no exception to this pattern.

One of the main challenges of climate change adaptation is to ensure that adaptation measures have their desired results. The best results are achieved when the negative effects of climate change are avoided, but it difficult to measure and demonstrate what would have happened otherwise.

This webinar will present an approach that the World Bank is developing to improve monitoring and evaluating of resilience-building projects, followed by comments from representatives of Mexico about Mexico's experiences in this area.


The webinar will be held in English. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Secretariat.

Register for the webinar

Photo: Ben White/ CAFOD, January 2016

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